5 Tips on How to Live More Sustainably in 2024

By Erin Houston, Co-founder of wearwell

Do you ever feel like shopping sustainably doesn't feel very, well, sustainable? I get the feeling! It can be exhausting to figure out how to make the most ethical choice possible every time you shop. And yet, we all know that choosing how you spend your money mindfully often is one of the best ways you can make a positive impact in the world.

While most people think of the planet when they hear the word “sustainable,” it can — and should! — encompass so much more, including fair wages and the well-being of the people who make what you buy. But that’s a lot to look into every time you make a purchase, so where on earth do you find the time?

My co-founder Emily and I know this challenge firsthand. Before starting wearwell six years ago, we each spent a decade building careers in social impact. In our free time, we began our journeys to become more sustainable shoppers, spending hours upon hours researching brands and learning what it takes to build not just a more sustainable wardrobe, but a more ethical fashion industry overall.

Yet, after all this, it still wasn’t possible for us to shop sustainably on a daily basis because it was too time-consuming to decipher true impact from greenwashing, while also meeting our personal style, budget, and sizing needs. This is why we started wearwell — your one-stop shop for sustainable goods — to make it easier to buy with confidence, knowing you’re supporting brands that have been vetted for fair wages and environmental sustainability. 

So, let us help you ditch the overwhelm and analysis paralysis that too often comes along with shopping sustainably. Here are 5 pro tips that Emily and I learned while building wearwell and our own sustainable wardrobes,

Tip #1: Take It One Step at a Time

Social pressures (especially from social media!) can often make you feel like you’re not doing enough if you’re not doing everything. And that makes it a lot more tempting to just throw in the towel. But guess what? No one is sustainable all the time! Living more sustainably can look different depending on your location, daily life, and budget. Be kind to yourself and instead of thinking about all the things you should be doing, focus on what you can do today.

Tip #2: Use What You Already Have

The least sustainable thing you can do is toss out everything you already own just to buy something new! Get the most out of what you currently have in your home, and make sustainable swaps when you need to replace items. When it comes to your wardrobe, this can be as simple as buying a new ethically-made statement piece that you can pair with your basics to update your look instead of overhauling your entire closet.

Tip #3: Choose What Matters Most to You

Being a sustainable shopper gets so much easier when you get clear on your personal values. Nearly every decision has tradeoffs, which can be a lot to navigate every time you shop. For example, take vegan leather: If you care most about animal protection, vegan leather is an excellent sustainable option for you. The tradeoff, however, is that the plastic in most vegan leather can take up to 200 years to decompose. So, if you want to prioritize reducing your plastic consumption, opt for reclaimed and repurposed leather. When you identify which type of impact means the most to you, it becomes your roadmap and sustainable choices become much easier over time.

Tip #4: Keep It Bite-Sized!

I’ll let you in on a little secret: you don’t ever have to be an expert in sustainability! Pick just one facet of sustainable living that interests you most and start there. When it comes to your fashion choices, maybe you decide to learn about which fabrics are most sustainable, or why the mainstream industry doesn’t pay garment workers fairly, or how to make your secondhand finds even more sustainable. Choose one topic to dip your toe into and go deeper until you feel confident enough to make informed choices. When you feel ready, move on to the next topic that interests you and dive in!

Tip #5: Simplify Your Choices

Set yourself up for success by having your go-to shops and resources on deck. Ease comes when you can replicate a choice without having to research all over again. Find trusted places to make your purchases — like the Sustainable Shop that our team curated in partnership with Verishop — with sourcing standards that align with your top values.

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