Lean Metabolism Support
Lean Metabolism Support
Lean Metabolism Support
Lean Metabolism Support
Lean Metabolism Support
Lean Metabolism Support
Lean Metabolism Support
Lean Metabolism SupportLean Metabolism Support
Lean Metabolism SupportLean Metabolism Support
Lean Metabolism SupportLean Metabolism Support
Lean Metabolism SupportLean Metabolism Support
Lean Metabolism SupportLean Metabolism Support
Lean Metabolism SupportLean Metabolism Support
Lean Metabolism SupportLean Metabolism Support

Amy Myers MD

Lean Metabolism Support

Lean Metabolism Support - Out of Stock

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Appetite Control Using Lean Metabolism Support with EGCG: - If you’ve tried dieting in the past and failed, i’m willing to bet a lot of it had to do with never feeling “full” or satisfied! Which of course leads to irresistible food cravings that sabotage your waistline. And you know what? That’s okay — it’s not your fault. Depriving yourself in a traditional diet can only take you so far before it backfires and causes you to overeat in response - Lean metabolism support with EGCG is different. It’s a functional medicine-inspired approach to healthy weight management. It works by influencing the control center of your body: the brain. The nutrients in lean work together to increase your levels of serotonin, the neurotransmitter responsible for controlling appetite - Increasing serotonin levels truly is the first domino to fall when it comes to achieving your weight loss goals! That’s because serotonin acts on neural receptors called mc4 rs, which curb appetite and block other neurons that normally increase appetite EGCG Metabolism Booster: - Of course, it’s not just serotonin that plays a role in healthy weight control. A slow metabolism can be a huge contributor to weight gain. That’s why i’ve included the potent metabolism-booster EGCG, better known as green tea extract, to help fire up your digestion (it’s decaffeinated as well) Fucoxanthin May Activate Desirable Brown Fat Cells: - I’ve also included the marine supernutrient fucoxanthin, which helps to stimulate favorable brown fat cells in your body. Have you heard of brown fat? Unlike the typical white fat that makes up most of your body’s fat cells and stores fat, brown fat actually breaks down fat molecules to create heat and maintain body temperature in response to cold temperatures - Fucoxanthin may flip the “cold switch” in your body, triggering the creation of fat-obliterating brown fat! It was once thought only babies had brown fat cells. However, we now know adults can generate their own as well! Fucoxanthin may help your body produce more of this hard working and desirable fat Garcinia Cambogia & Relora® With Magnolia Bark: - The next fat-fighting botanical is garcinia cambogia, a tropical fruit native to indonesia with proven healthy weight loss support benefits. The secret is in this sour fruit’s peel, which contains high amounts of hydroxycitric acid. This substance has been clinically shown to have a positive impact on belly fat accumulation.4 it may also inhibit the enzyme citrate lyase, which produces fat in your body - Relora® is a cutting-edge blend of botanicals featuring magnolia bark that can help curb stress-induced eating. Promising clinical research suggests relora® may help modulate cortisol levels in the body that could cause stress-related weight gain, as well - Pop quiz: what are the toughest cravings to kick? Carb cravings, of course! Kiss them goodbye using lean metabolism support with egcg. Indeed, the active ingredients in relora® may be able to bind to serotonin and gaba receptors in the central nervous system that promote carb cravings. That means help with late night carb cravings that leave you feeling guilty the next day - For healthy weight management, lean metabolism support with egcg gets my endorsement as a medical doctor and functional medicine physician. I can’t wait to hear about your transformation.

Lean Metabolism Support With EGCG is Great For Anyone who:
- Wants to support healthy weight loss goals
- Is prone to late night snacking or “stress eating”
- Is interested in naturally boosting metabolism
- Is looking for a stimulant-free solution for healthy weight management
- Takes my cla formula and wants to maximize weight control support benefits

- Facilitates appetite control by upregulating serotonin levels in the brain
- Egcg from green tea extract supports healthy metabolic function
- Promotes “brown fat” activation — rare fat cells that actually break down other fat molecules
- Garcinia cambogia may positively impact belly fat accumulation
- May help control stress-related weight gain
- 1 of 2 supplements in dr. myers’ gut-brain axis approach to healthy weight control
- Formulated
- Non-GMO
- Non-dairy
- Gluten-free
- Soy-free
- No artificial sweeteners
- Paleo
- GMP compliant
- AIP-friendly

- 120 capsules

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